There’s an abundance of blooms to choose from the cutting garden at this time of…

How it all began
Sustainable beginnings
At Twiggage & Bloom, our ethos is sustainable floral design. This year, despite a long, cool spring; we’ve been gathering armloads of flowers. Adapting to the fluctuations of the crops, and making do with what’s at hand makes our work forever interesting! We watch with compassion, as yet another factor is affecting the international floral trade; this time, political unrest in Ecuador, affecting the supply of roses. In comparison, having a wild rabbit snack on a few stems in our cutting garden is a minor concern.
Learning Organically
Sustainable floristry for me all began through osmosis as a child, being influenced by the many women in my life who gardened and arranged flowers (and made it look easy). A brief stint in a flower shop in the nineties taught me some essential basics but left me longing for scent, whimsy, and diversity. Then in 2005, our local flower vendor at the farmers market was moving, creating a void that I could fill. I had just completed a certificate in Organic Landscape Management; and wanted to harvest and design with flowers instead of mowing lawns and pulling weeds. Having no business plan, succession plan, and being 8 months pregnant (first child) didn’t deter me.
Photo by Megan Ashley Creative
Beginnings in business – and family!
I enjoyed a successful spring season selling bouquets at the market (inheriting all the loyal customers of the previous vendor); by harvesting from five established perennial gardens of local friends and family.
On Friday July 1st, my back felt a little sore from all the work harvesting. The next morning, I woke up early because my water broke. My doctor calmly reassured me this would take several hours; so I began making market bouquets. I worked rhythmically, in the cool carport; with the increasing daylight, birdsong, and contractions. Then I woke my husband and told him it was time, and phoned my mom and begged her to take my flowers to market!
A fragrant welcome
Our daughter was born mid-morning, two days before her due date! By suppertime, we returned home from the hospital. As if to celebrate the occasion, our house was FILLED with fragrant flowers. Turns out that due to it being a long weekend; market sales were very slow!
Reality Check
Two weeks later, I was back at the market with an infant, struggling to find enough flowers to harvest. I quickly learned that motherhood was my first priority and locally grown flowers rely on thorough planning (especially annuals by summertime).
Fast forward
Jumping ahead 17 years, and the 3 things I’m most proud of ‘growing’ are our 2 daughters and this business. It is by no means an overnight success, but rather, slow, deliberate growth with periods of static, painful growth, and thrilling moments. At the core; our philosophy remains the same: we can provide beautiful flowers for you, without harming you, ourselves, or the planet.

Our services
To enquire about wedding flowers, fill out a simple (no commitment) enquiry form.
To commission custom work for bespoke blooms or installations click here.
To enquire about various workshops for your staff, group, or just 1:1 for you; click here.